
Danish Warmblood hoist the trophy at the WBFSH Studbooks Jumping Global Champions Trophy01-10-2024 - 09:44

The atmosphere was buzzing on the fourth and final day of the WBFSH Studbooks Jumping Global Champions Trophy in Valkenswaard. The world’s top studbooks went head to head to see who would emerge victorious in 6, 5, and 7 year old Finals.

The Danish Warmblood team rode into the arena for the 5 year old 1.25m Final. Daniel Hald aboard Cassoe Unik V (Syvhoejegaards Unforgetable S DWB x Cavall ASK) rode first for the team. They delivered a clear round on a fantastic time, beaming as they crossed the finish line. Next to go was Maria Hjorth Frederiksen with Harmilly D (Harley x Diamant de Semilly). The crowd went wild as they came home clear with the best time of the class. The tension was palpable in the arena as the audience waited with baited breath to see if Danish Warmblood could steal the top spot from Selle Français and end their tight grip on the top spot. Last up was Christian Jansen and Clarima DWB (Clarimo x Carmargue) Despite one rail on course, the delivered a strong round which was enough to move the Danish Warmblood studbook into the lead. 


“A win is always difficult but we were sure that we had a good chance because the horses really have performed well the whole week. Also our fourth rider won the consolation class so we were sure that we had strong combinations.” explained team manager Bo Moeller. “The riders work really well together. We have some strong riders who can help the not so experienced riders, that works really well,” said Moeller, “the main thing for us is of course to develop our horses and it's fantastic here because everything is really wonderful and the horses jumped good and they jump better and better every day. That's what we take home, and now prepare for next year.”


The CDE Ancades studbook kicked off the class setting the bar high early on. First to go for the team was Santiago Nuñez Riva with Valenza de Capellan (Valentino de Hus Z x For Fashion). They looked to be on track to open the class with a clear, but acquired four faults at the final fence. Next up were Lorenzo Pradas Freire and Amira de Casavieja (Amant Du Chateau x Sirioso). Despite four faults on course they delivered a good time for the team. Last for CDE was Jos Fumero Hernandez with Valquiria de Capellan (Vidar x Coriano) who deliver a fantastic clear round to keep the CDE on just eight faults, ultimately claiming second place.


The KWPN entered the ring and Dutch fans were on the edge of their seats as they watched to see if the KWPN could take the lead on home turf. First to go for the team were Piet Raijmakers Jr and Van Schijndel's Officer (Diarado x Cardento). Despite two rails on course, Raijmakers Jr and Van Schijndel's Officer delivered an excellent time for the team. Next up was Rob Heijligers with On and on MB (Baltic VDL x Harley). With just four faults on course, they managed to post a solid time for the team. Last to go was Jules De Bruijn and Oberon (Kallmar x Arezzo VDL). The pair flawlessly navigated the course, coming home clean and jumping into third place. 


It was a testing track for the final class of the weekend as the 7 year old 1.40m Final got underway. Oldenburg International rode into the ring represented by Roy van Beek, Ruben Arroyave, and Naomi Himmelreich. The tension was palpable as van Beek and Charleston - H (Comme Il Faut x Zandor) set off on course. The pair made it look easy, coming home clear. Next to go was Arroyave with Diarona PS. They made quick work of the course, delivering another clear for the team. Last to go for Oldenburg was Naomi Himmelreich and Flying Kiss (Kannan x Cassini II). Despite a rail down in the first combination, they quickly navigated the course, finishing on just four faults. The crowd cheered as she crossed the finish line, securing the win for Oldenburg International. 


“I had the feeling that we had a good chance to win but I had that already before this class. This situation, with just three horses in the class and every result counting, I knew what was possible and today we had the luck.”  said Oldenburg International team manager Peer Eitenmüller. “We felt really good coming into the competition. We had some really nice riders and horses selected for this event and now we also got the result of that.” He went on to say, “I think this is a really nice competition. This team event is really something special and I think also the studbooks and the riders communicate a little more in the team and so I think that is quite good about it.”


With spirits still high from their win in the 5 year old Finals, the Danish Warmblood studbook entered the arena. First to go for the team was Ida Mundberg and Aura Ravnes-Have (Cantolar x Favorit ASK). The pair looked to be on track for a clear but acquired four faults on the penultimate fence and two for time, but were met with cheers as they crossed the finish line nonetheless. Sarah Wheler with Syvhoejegaards Next Level (Cyrano ASK x Casir ASK) were next up. They acquired just four faults on course, putting the Danish Warmblood at ten penalties. Last to go for the team was Kamilla Grauff Albrektsen and Maskedals One Man Show (Comme Il Faut Plus x Favorit ASK). They took no prisoners as they raced across the grass. The pair posted the first double clear of the class, Danish Warmblood fans going wild as they crossed the finish line, ultimately securing third place.


The Irish Sport Horse galloped into the arena, looking for a win. Michaeli Ann Byrne and Dunboyne (Elvis ter Putte x Sibon W) set off first for the team. With just four faults on course, they came home clear for time. Next up was Molly Hughes Bravo with HHS Ice Flo (Iceman de Muze x Cyrano). They delivered a beautiful, clear round and were met by cheers from Irish fans as they crossed the finish line. Riding last for the team was Emma O'Dwyer and Dougie Drea (Douglas). They posted a quick time, acquiring just four faults on course, overtaking the Danish Warmblood to secure second place. 


As the final day of the 2024 season at the Longines Tops International Arena drew to a close, spirits were high. All eyes now turn to 2025, as LTIA once again is set to host another roster or elite equestrian competitions. 


Five-year-old Final

1st Place: Danish Warmblood
Unik V (Syvhoejegaards Unforgetable S x Cavall ASK) & Daniel Hald Cassoe
Harmilly D (Harley x Diamant de Semilly) & Maria Hjorth Frederiksen
Clarima DWB (Clarimo x Camargue) Christian Jansen

2nd Place: CDE / ANCADES
Valenza de Capellan (Valentino de Hus Z x For Fashion) & Santiago Nuñez Riva
Amira de Casavieja (Amant du Chateau x Sirioso) & Lorenzo Pradas Freire
Valquiria de Capellan (Vidar x Coriano) & Jose Fumero Hernandez

3rd Place: KWPN Royal Dutch Sport Horse
Van Schijndel's Officer (Diarado x Cardento) & Piet Raijmakers Jr
On and on MB (Baltic VDL x Harley) & Rob Heijligers
Oberon (Kalimar x Arezzo VDL) & Jules Bruijn De


Six-year-Old Final

1st place: Studbook Selle Français
Isis de B'Neville (By Ceira d'Ick x Idem de B'Neville) & Arthur Le Vot
Irreelle de Talma (By Ceira d'Ick x Quaprice Bois Margot) & Valentin Pacaud
Iliade de Beaufour (Untouchable x Cassini I) & Reynald Angot

2nd place: KWPN Royal Dutch Sport Horse
No Mercy (Cape Coral RBF Z x Now or Never M) & Tom Martens
Nashville HX (Cape Coral RBF Z x Entertainer) & Rielke Roeland
Nabucho (Chacoon Blue x Vancouver) & Cedric Vanleerberghe

3nd place: Zangersheide
Crosby ter Doorn Z (Comme il Faut x Kentucky ter Doom) & Gianni Govoni
Sing Z (Copycat Z x Contact van de Heffinck) & Tabitha Kyle
Vivace vd Kattevennen Z (Vivaldi du Seigneur x Cassini I) & Wim Vinckx

9nd place: Danish Warmblood

Partie Sejh (Candy de Nantel/Untouchable) & Christian Jansen

Babette Ask (Bøgegårdens Apollo/Clarimo) & Anni Pape

Qatar (Qlassic Bois Margot/SantPatrignano Corado) & Josephine Bøgh


Seven-year-old Final

1st place: Oldenburg International
Charleston H (Comme il Faut x Zandor) & Roy van Beek
Diarona PS (Diaron x Charity) & Ruben Arroyave
Flying Kiss (Kannan x Cassini II) & Naomi Himmerlreich

2nd place: Irish Sport Horse
Dunboyne (Elvis ter Putte x Sibon W) & Michaeli Ann Byrne
HHS Ice Flo (Iceman de Muze x Cyrano) & Molly Hugues Bravo
Dougie Drea (Douglas x Bolivar) & Emma O'Dwyer

3nd place: Danish Warmblood 
Aura Ravnes-Have (Cantolar x Favorit) & Ida Mundberg
Syvhoejegaards Next Level (Cyrano x Casir) & Sarah Wheler
Maskedals One Man Show (Comme Il Faut Plus x Favorit) & Kamilla Grauff Albrektsen



Presented by

Dansk Varmblod


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