Rules regarding foal shows

Chip marking is obligatory for all foals.

Rules regarding showing at foal shows

- Foals may be inspected at a foal inspection. This is not a grading, but is only considered as an informal and provisional evaluation. Scores for type, conformation, legs, walk, trot, canter, and total impression are given. The foal may receive a 1st or 2nd premium, corresponding with the score for the total impression.

  • Entry form, inspection fees and DNA results with parent verification must be mailed to NADWA 30 days before the inspection.
  • The foal owner must be a member of NADWA in good standings.
  • The foal must be chip marked before inspection

1. Only members of Danish Warmblood can enter foals.

2. Both dam and sire of all foals must be graded in DWB to be able to produce foals at the foal shows. The foal must be entitled to get a DWB passport, and if the sire is not graded within DWB, mare owner must have applied for using the stallion in the year of covering/AI. The foal must not be registered with another society as well.

3. Danish Warmblood sets the fees.

WFFS testing of stallions, as per November 2018

- FOALS NOT OBLIGATORY TO TEST - but if you consider to keep a colt foal for later licensing, then this is nice to know...:

There is a rule change in order to be on the stallion list starting 2019:

Danish Warmblood has decided that in order to be on the stallion list starting 2019 the stallion needs to be tested for WFFS. This test must be ordered via NADWA and only tests done at U C Davis will be accepted. The fee for this test is $30,00.

The result of the test will be published on our stallion list so the mare owners can decide if they want to use the stallion. A positive test will not have any influence on the stallions grading results. If you wish to keep your stallion on our stallion list you will need to order the WFFS test no later than December 31, 2018. Stallions without the WFFS test will be removed from our stallion list until WFFS results are available.

In terms of stallions for licensing the WFFS test must be made before enrolling and the test result must accompany the entry form. In accordance with the rule regarding stallion list, the test result will not influence on the stallion getting licensed or not.

Just above this you can find the DNA test kit order form. Please do not hesitate to contact Jane Hayes on with any questions.

Presented by

Dansk Varmblod


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