At the National Stallion Show in Herning, DK, young colts are now shown also in lungeing reins as part of their evaluation.Within the Danish Warmblood breeding system, a wide range of top quality breedsires can be used.
Below and in the menu on your left please find the Danish Warmblood stallions approved for breeding in the US. The stallions listed here are standing in the U.S.
In order to register offspring with Dansk Varmblod, the stallion MUST be approved with Dansk Varmblod.
If you are the proud owner of an approved Danish Warmblood stallion, either standing in the U.S. or otherwise approved for export of semen to the U.S., and it is not on our list, please do not hesitate to contact us. If we find that everything is in order, we will make sure that a profile on your stallion will be available to interested Danish Warmblood breeders on this website.