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New faces in the DWB Breeding Committee 01-07-2023 - 21:24

During the last few months, a process of finding new members for the DWB Breeding Committee has been ongoing.

Bjarne Nielsen, Dennis Fisker and Johnny Sørensen have all stepped down and after a thorough search, long talks and many considerations, all the pieces have now fallen into place, and we are delighted to introduce three new members of the committee’s dressage section: 


  • Jens Søgaard, experienced breeder at his own Stutteri Jesti and DWB judge for the last 30+ years
  • Karsten Petersen, master rider and breeding manager at Blue Hors for 25 years
  • Rune Willum, Grand Prix dressage rider, renowned trainer and former DWB test rider


The three new members are all looking forward to working with the existing members and to meeting the many DWB breeders during this summer’s many events in Denmark. 


Jens Søgaard says:
The task itself is really exciting. To get into the action, follow the stallion licensing, see the first crops of foals and so on - that is so exciting. It is truly unbelievable what has happened with dressage breeding the last 30 years, and I look forward to continuing to impact our breeding in a good direction. 


Karsten Petersens says:

I am really looking forward to getting started on the task. I hope we can make a smooth transition - that is what it is all about now, and then we can start to make our own marks. I look forward to getting out there and meeting the breeders. 


Rune Willum says:

I am delighted to get started with this! I have been test-rider on the stallions previously, and getting the chance to continue in the breeding committee is really exciting. I am very glad to have been offered the chance. We have proved time and again that we have some of the best horses in the world, and this too makes it exciting to be part of the team.


Together with existing member, Vicky Nortvig, these three new members are now making out the DWB Breeding Committee’s dressage section.


There are no changes to the jumping section, which still consists of Johnny Hansen, Bo K. Møller, Allan Blomgren and Signe Wiese.


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Dansk Varmblod


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