< Tilbage

The first dressage stallions have been judged18-03-2021 - 20:03

Today, this year’s licensing of DWB dressage stallions began as the breeding committee for dressage horses judged seven stallions.

Judges Bjarne Nielsen, Claus Hansen and Johnny Sørensen alongside breeding consultant Karina Christiansen judged seven stallions at five locations.

One stallion was transferred to the secondary licensing later this year, and amongst the remaining six stallions one was bred in England and the rest were all Danish bred and DWB registered. Two of the six stallions were by Franklin and two were by Quantensprung.


The dressage licensing tour will continue through Sunday March 21st and the final result will be revealed on Monday March 22nd.

The special Stallion Licensing website will be updated regularly with photos and videos of the stallions as the licensing progresses. Watch the catalogue HERE

< Tilbage

Presented by

Dansk Varmblod


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